Welcome to the St. Bartholomew’s Plants & Animals Website
General tidying and winter preparation. Lots to do!
Gloves and a hot drink recommended and maybe a waterproof mac?
Come any time between 10:00-12:00
Amazing work everybody!!! These are a few of my photos, if anyone would like to add to this collection, please get in touch!
Yes, it actually happened! In the space of a day and accomplished entirely by volunteers, with many thanks and praise to the Blue Chain Guardians Harry Forshaw, and trainees – Isabella Bromfield, Mariam Turay and Rose Williams. The dream of a (probably sleep-deprived) headteacher became reality today
This involved the clearance of old or excessive tree growth from surrounds (difficult), removal of turf (hard), digging, levelling and shaping adequately deep hole (very hard), removal of all debris, sharp stones, etc. and cutting and shaping of the felt underlay and pond liner (only for the hardcore)
This page shows the latest news, just scroll down. For everything else, look in the menu. Inventory lists all plants or groups thereof, Let’s Work! has work items you can join in with or tackle yourself and Makin’ Babies has useful tips how to create more with what you have
If you’d like to join in the fun, send me an email and i’ll create an account for you. This will allow you contribute any way you like, such as participate in conversation and even author articles, post photos, etc.